Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
145 lines
;GuruMode - 12 new 256 color modes for the IBM VGA and
; compatibles. (all modes are "tweaked" modes, e.g.
; four bitplanes are used, with a complete pixel in
; each plane.)
;Input(BX) 0 320x175 6 360x175
; 1 320x200 7 360x200
; 2 320x240 8 360x240
; 3 320x350 9 360x350
; 4 320x400 a 360x400
; 5 320x480 b 360x480
;Alters - AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI,ES, various flags and several
; VGA registers.
;Terms of use - Use and distribute freely as long as source remains
; 100% unchanged. Donations of 10$, or any amount
; are received with gratitude (I'm a student with
; a rather tigth budget).
; (C) 8-02-1992 Per Ole Klemetsrud
; Hertug Skulesgt. 15c
; 0652 Oslo, Norway
;Clarke's Third Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is
; indistinguishable from magic."
model small
GuruMode proc near
mov ax,0013h
int 10h ;Start with BIOS mode 13h
mov dx,03c4h ;Sequencer Register
mov cl,[clocktab+bx]
cmp cl,00h ;Check if reset is necessary
je Skip_Reset
mov ax,0100h ;Index 0, (Reset Register)
out dx,ax ;Set the system in reset conditon
mov dx,3c2h ;Miscellaneous output register
mov al,cl ;Set new sync polarity and clock frequency
out dx,al
mov dx,3c4h ;Sequencer register
mov ax,0300h ;Index 0, (Reset Register)
out dx,ax ;Release reset
mov ax,0604h ;Index 4, Disable Chain 4 (Set bit 3 to 0)
out dx,ax ;Part of the "Tweak Settings"
mov ax,0a000h ;This is a good time to clear RAM to
mov es,ax ;avoid a flick of trash during mode change
xor di,di
xor ah,ah ;ES:DI=Video Ram, AX=0000
mov cx,(0ffffh/2) ;Entire Video Segment in words
rep stosw
mov dx,03d4h ;Start filling CRT controller registers
mov si,offset [Regtab]
mov cx,3 ;Start with the "tweak mode" settings
cmp bl,5 ;and continue with horizontal settings
jbe CRT1 ;if necessary.
mov cx,10
CRT1: lodsw
out dx,ax
loop CRT1 ;Now thru with "Tweak" settings
shl bx,1 ;Make BX a word index, instead of byte index
mov si,[vertab+bx] ;Get address of table to use
cmp si,0
je finish ;Do more changes necessary.
cmp si,1
je Set400 ;Mode only requiers normal vertical resolution
mov cx,8 ;Fill CRT controller registers with
CRT2: lodsw ;info about horizontal resolution.
out dx,ax
loop CRT2
finish: ret
Set400: mov ax,04009h
out dx,ax
GuruMode endp
Regtab label word
dw 00e11h ;Index 11, Turn off write protect
dw 00014h ;Index 14, Turn off dword mode
dw 0e317h ;Index 17, Turn on byte mode
;Data to the set the CRT controller to 360 horizontal pixels.
;Horizontal retrace and blanking periods are based on mode 10h and 12h.
db 00h,06bh ;Horizontal Total 107
db 01h,059h ;Horizontal Display End 89
db 02h,05ah ;Start Horizontal Blanking 90
db 03h,08eh ;End Horizontal Blanking
db 04h,05eh ;Start Horizontal Retrace 94
db 05h,08ah ;End Horizontal Retrace
db 13h,02dh ;Offset register 90
;Data to the set the CRT controller to 480 scanlines, originaly used
;by BIOS mode 12h. Refer to Programmers guide to the EGA/VGA, by
;Richard F. Ferraro for details about display timing.
vert480 label word
db 009h,01000000b ;Maximum Scan Line 0
db 007h,00111110b ;Overflow register
db 006h,00bh ;Vertical Total 523
db 010h,0eah ;Vertical Retrace Start 490
db 011h,08ch ;Vertical Retrace End
db 015h,0e7h ;Start Vertical Blanking 487
db 016h,004h ;End Vertical Blanking
db 012h,0dfh ;Vertical Display End 479
db 012h,0dfh ;Safe dummy for neat program flow
;Data to the CRT controller to set the display to 350 scanlines,
;originaly used by BIOS mode 10h. Refer to Programmers guide to the EGA/VGA,
;by Richard F. Ferraro for details about display timing.
vert350 label word
db 009h,01000000b ;Maximum Scan Line 0
db 007h,00011111b ;Overflow register
db 006h,0bfh ;Vertical Total 447
db 010h,083h ;Vertical Retrace Start 387
db 011h,085h ;Vertical Retrace End
db 015h,063h ;Start Vertical Blanking 355
db 016h,0bah ;End Vertical Blanking
db 012h,05dh ;Vertical Display End 349
db 012h,05dh ;Safe dummy for neat program flow
;Sync polarities and horizontal clock frequencies for the different modes
clocktab label byte
db 0a3h, 000h, 0e3h, 0a3h, 000h, 0e3h
db 0a7h, 067h, 0e7h, 0a7h, 067h, 0e7h
vertab dw vert350+2,0000h, vert480+2, vert350, 0001h, vert480
dw vert350+2,0000h, vert480+2, vert350, 0001h, vert480